Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Writing—and not

As I sit in our back porch with a cool breeze before the rain starts again, I think about the writing I’ve wanted to do after retiring and just never did.  Laziness? Other priorities?  Yes to both.  I like writing, I really do, but for several months I’ve been putting it off.  When retiring last July, I had this vision of what I thought retirement might be like.  It isn’t turning out that way, and that’s fine.  Well, minimally fine.  


I kept my interest in writing and was fueled a bit from a comment one of Kari’s friends told her, when she said she enjoyed reading my Facebook posts because they were written well.  Facebook isn’t exactly a high bar of literary median nevertheless I found it encouraging. And then Kari and I saw on a morning show two books that promoted writing. The first was Several short sentences about writing and the other was Right For Your Life. Kari encouraged me to buy them, and during the show I actually ordered them.  I just finished reading them.  I guess that’s why I’m writing now. 

I lost several months of writing since I retired and I had a lot to share during that time. And yet still I haven’t finished cleaning the garages. The garages was the priority.  Still is.  We did jump into retirement with both feet though, buying a new puppy and a new travel trailer which I haven’t shared here yet.


Holding no experience in them, in some ways I’ve looked at procrastinating by trying to figure out an easier way to write a blog. After signing up for the blog here I tried to find an app that would make it easier and have not had any success yet. All the while, I put off doing the actual writing. 


OK so here’s my commitment, well maybe a new goal, is to write something here at least once a week.  I hear a lot of people talk about journaling and I guess this falls into it. I really don’t know what they do when they journal as I haven’t asked but maybe this is it.


I’ll close here just by saying that from the books I read it is more important to get something down on paper or at least on a computer than it is to figure out how to do it what to write or even worry about things like grammar and spelling. The key is to get it down and then revise as needed. So that’s what I’m gonna do here. Some of the stuff may be pretty rough some of it may be unpolished so it may not make a whole lot of sense at times but I’m going to try to get something on here and get away from social media as much as I can for a while.


Happy trails,



Violet Alpha Sillers Rodgers, 130th Birthday

My maternal grandmother, Violet Alpha Sillers (I called her Nana) was born 130 years ago today, February 23, 1895, in River John, Nova Scoti...