Happy Independence Day! Each July 4th, I’ve wondered what my generationally distant grandfather Thomas Stone would think of the wonderful hot mess he helped create. I’m guessing it would be mixed feelings, yet overall pleased.
Violet Alpha Sillers Rodgers, 130th Birthday
My maternal grandmother, Violet Alpha Sillers (I called her Nana) was born 130 years ago today, February 23, 1895, in River John, Nova Scoti...

Scanning some photographs today. Most of these are from Polaroids or matt finished photos, hence the clarity isn't the best. Here...
Yesterday, I needed to create a very short extension cord. I purchased this sometime between 1972 and June 1976. This little jewel has trav...
Foothill and mountain friends have been posting on social media throughout the day about the blitzkrieg winter storm moving through the regi...