Sunday, March 17, 2024

Just Tooting My Own Horn

I saw this Facebook post this morning:

The brotherhood is still alive fellas. Had a low tire. Was pulling out my hoses and realized I couldn’t find my air gauge. Was gonna go in buy one at Loves. Hopper next to me said screw that use mine. Then when I returned it. Told me to keep it. Brother if you see this. Thank you again!

My response:

I’m sure he felt really good too.  Doing good things for others makes you feel good.  

A few years ago when I was driving for Knight, one the spiffs they gave us was a nice air gauge with the Knight logo on it.  

While (at a Live Load or Unload) in Las Vegas I was checking the PSI on my trailer and adding some air with the glad-hand hose.  Next to me was a truck from another large company with lots of orange trailers.  The brand new driver who had been on his own for a couple weeks started chatting with me about what I was doing.  I filled him in including Knight’s safety policies and regular training, including those on tire PSI.  He said his employer hadn’t shared any information like that during his training.  I spun around and checked the two closest tires on his trailer and found them very low.  After my trailer, we checked all of his tires and got them filled up too.   

When finished, I told him he’d need to get his own glad-hand hose, yet gifted him my Knight gauge (I had another plain gauge onboard).  He really appreciated it, but I think I was happier just helping a new driver.  

I’ve thought about him occasionally.  I hope he’s safe and doing well.

Violet Alpha Sillers Rodgers, 130th Birthday

My maternal grandmother, Violet Alpha Sillers (I called her Nana) was born 130 years ago today, February 23, 1895, in River John, Nova Scoti...