Wednesday, January 8, 2025

1972 Buena High School, Ventura, Calif. Senior Photo


I graduated from high school in June 1972, so I presume this photo was taken in the fall of 1971.  

Jeff Holland Photography on East Main Street in Ventura was the place to get the the photos taken.  I went with my mother for the sitting, and later to review the proofs.  As with any set of proofs, some you like and some deserve going into "round file" forever.

This photo was not picked to be my senior photo.  It was supposed to be trashed.  My mother thought it was fine, but I didn't like the way my bottom lip was pushed out as compared to all the other photos.  Yet, this was the final product and the the one that ended up in the yearbook too.  

Fifty plus years later, does it still bother me?  Not as much as before.  But I still remember being very disappointed about it at the time.  

Violet Alpha Sillers Rodgers, 130th Birthday

My maternal grandmother, Violet Alpha Sillers (I called her Nana) was born 130 years ago today, February 23, 1895, in River John, Nova Scoti...